
Arena Swim Club Management Committee

The Arena Swim Club is managed by a dedicated Committee made up of Volunteers with a commitment to providing a high level of support for ASC Coaches, ASC Swimmers, and Club Members.




The President of the Arena Swim Club acts as Chair and Chief Officer of the Club and is the face of the Club to the outside world.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Presides at all meetings of the Club and at all other meetings at which his or her attendance may be required and sees that the business is conducted in a proper manner, and in the event of an equality of votes, gives a casting vote;
  • Directs the activities of the Committee towards Club goals and objectives including the development and maintenance of the Club’s Strategic Plan;
  • Appoints replacement Committee members to vacant positions, subject to the Committee’s approval;
  • Ensures that incoming Committee Members are formally and adequately briefed on the Club Constitution, Bylaws, and Strategic Plan prior to each Committee member’s first Committee Meeting;
  • Represents the Club, or appoints an appropriate alternative, for Swimming WA meetings when the Vice President is unable to attend;
  • Represents the club at all Club events or appoints an appropriate alternative;
  • Maintains and delivers all permanent records to the position successor.
  • The President also holds the ostensible authority to make administrative and other reasonable purchases to facilitate the Club’s operation without Committee approval up to $1000. This may include but is not limited to: stationery and printing, postal needs or equipment – Any item above this threshold of $1000 will require approval from the Committee.


Vice President 

The Vice-President stands in for the President.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Provides assistance to the President in the discharge of his or her responsibilities on an as-required basis and acts in that role whenever the President is unavailable, attends all SWA Meetings on behalf of the club; and assumes the role of President if that office becomes vacant.


Secretary – THIS POSITION IS VACANT! WANT TO HELP please speak to a Committee Member

 Roles & Responsibilities

The Secretary supports the Committee by maintaining the records of the Committee, liaising with Committee members, and in dealings with external entities including Swimming WA.

  • Maintains and archives all documentation attached to Committee papers and/or deemed to be required in Club records by the Committee;
  • Maintains a record of internal and external correspondence of the Club, liaising with the President and Committee as required;
  • Maintains and archives official files – including copies of the Constitution, Bylaws, legal Agreements with other entities, Incorporation documentation, and the Club Strategic Plan;
  • Monitors that the Club operates in accordance with its Constitution and legal obligations;
  • Maintains and distributes Committee contact details in a timely manner, and
  • Schedules and publishes Committee meeting dates before the start of each membership year;
  • Keeps records of all proceedings, actions, and Committee meetings of the Club, and ensures meeting minutes and action items are distributed to all Committee members within two weeks of each meeting.



The Treasurer is responsible for all financial matters of the Club. In general, this will require authorisation and issue of payments, the collection of debts, reconciliation, and monitoring of accounts; reporting and managing the overall financial position of the Club.
Roles & Responsibilities

  • Manages all Club financial transactions, including the collection of all membership dues and the payment of all Club bills in accordance with Committee directives;
  • Maintains a permanent file of the financial business of the Club;
  • Establishes and maintains all required Club bank accounts and/or similar financial transactions, arranging for officer signatures as required;
  • Maintains any usernames, passwords, and PIN numbers for phone and Internet banking;
  • Submits all tax-related filings as required;
  • Develops an annual financial statement of the activities of the Club and provides this to the Committee for presentation at the Annual General Meeting each year;
  • Prepares monthly financial statements for presentation at each monthly Committee Meeting, and
  • Maintains an inventory and stock of any goods held by the Club and duly reports on them at the Annual General Meeting.
  • The Treasurer also holds the ostensible authority to make administrative and other reasonable purchases to facilitate the Club’s operation without Committee approval up to $1000. This may include but is not limited to: Stationery and printing, Postal needs and Equipment Any item above this threshold of $1000 will require approval from the Committee


Registrar/Meet Director 

Members Protection Officer 

The Registrar is responsible for maintaining records of all club members as required by the Club and Swimming WA.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Registers details of all financial club members with Swimming WA;
  • Welcomes new members on registration day
  • Oversees the transaction of all Club transfers;
  • Records all swimmers’ registrations via Clubs Online;
  • Ensures receipt of Volunteer Agreement prior to processing of Club registration forms;
  • Processes swim meet entries and payments;
  • Remits all funds received for swimmer registrations and meet entries to the Treasurer or reconciliation and bank deposit;
  • Ensures swim meet information, results, and related information is kept up to date on the Club website; and
  • Coordinates/ run Meet Manager/Race Day during Club hosted race meets, forwarding results to SWA for recording

Assistant Registrar –  Vacant – interested in this role please pop into the office to find out more!

 The Assistant Registrar assists the Registrar in undertaking this demanding role.

Roles & Responsibilities     

  • Any of the Registrar duties above as required


 Junior Co-ordinator 

ASC Newsletter, assisting ASC Junior Members at Swim Meets and General Information.


 Volunteer Coordinator  – Vacant – interested in this role please pop into the office to find out more!

Responsible for the development and posting of volunteer rosters, including timekeeping and other volunteer roles as nominated by Swimming WA and other meet-hosting clubs.

Roles & Responsibilities

  • Prepares a timekeeping/volunteer roster based on swimmers registered to attend a meet;
  • Emails the Registrar for posting volunteer roster to the club website where possible;
  • Provides a hard copy of the roster for display at the meet (Targeted Meets Only);
  • Maintains a record of volunteer contributions; and
  • Monitors and refers to instances of volunteer non-compliance to the Committee.


Sub Committee

Uniform Coordinator 

Responsible for coordinating members’ uniform requirements, liaising, and sourcing suitable products through suppliers.

Roles & Responsibilities

  • Set up the uniform stand on race nights, selling and taking uniform orders
  • Stock checks, reconciliation, EFTPOS, online payments
  • Ordering uniforms from wholesalers – for stock purposes and individuals
  • Negotiate specific requirements with the wholesaler
  • Maintaining good relations with wholesalers
  • Research new ideas and requests from parents and committee
  • Generate and present a statement of uniform activity to each committee meeting
  • Track orders, ensuring items are received by parents

Sponsorship Coordinator

Sub Committee Coordinator 

ASC Meeting Minutes

All minutes are available to be viewed by contacting Arena Swim Club Secretary at


President’s Report 2013-14
ASC AGM DRAFT Minutes 5/08/2014
President’s Report 2012 – 13
ASC AGM 2013-14 Minutes
ASC AGM 2012-13 Minutes 

2014-15 Monthly Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes are available on request from the Secretary

11th November 2014
17th September 2014

13th August 2014

2013-14 Monthly Committee Meeting Minutes

 10th June 2014
13th May 2014
8th April 2014
11th March 2014
10th December 2013
12th November 2013
15th October 2013
10th September 2013

2012-13 Monthly Committee Meeting Minutes
Minutes 18th September 2012
Minutes 16th October 2012
Minutes 13th November 2012
Minutes 18th December 2012
Minutes 12th February 2013
Minutes 12th March 2013
Minutes 15th April 2013
Minutes 14th May 2013
Minutes 11th June 2013
Minutes 16th JULY 2013


President’s Report 2011-12
ASC AGM 2011-12 minutes
ASC AGM 2010-11 minutes
Presidents Report 2009-10

2011-12 Meeting Minutes
Minutes 2nd August 2011
Minutes 13th September 2011
Minutes 18th October 2011
Minutes 15th November 2011
Minutes 13th December 2011
Minutes 7th February 2012
Minutes 13th March 2012
Minutes 3rd April 2012
Minutes 8th May 2012
Minutes 19th June 2012
Minutes 31st July 2012