What I need for a Race Meet


Healthy Fruit and Water

Green ASC Cap – $13 purchase from the office (EFTPOS) don’t forget a spare cap.

ASC Uniform (T’Shirt, Hoodie. DeckCoat)

Normal Training Bathers are to be used for racing (save the speed suits for States/Nationals) please note under 12 no speed suits.

Light Healthy Snacks/Water – please leave the lollies for the car ride home.  Check out Fuel to Go for some great recipes.

Warm items of clothing eg Jumper, DeckCoat, Shoes, Socks, Beanie, etc


Parents remember to check the timekeeping roster (on Facebook Closed ASC Members Only Page) for your allocated slot, if you have entered your swimmer into a race meet you will have timekeeping, please make arrangements that you are able to cover your timekeeping slot.  If you decide on the day to not come along, you STILL need to cover your timekeeping slot.

Parents remember to check the timeline for all swim meets, this can be done via My Swim Results.

Cheat Sheet
Tips for Swim Meet